Thursday, July 30, 2009


Wadoo selected FPWA president

Says association will stand by the players who face injustice

The prominent soccer players of the Valley Saturday established the Football Players Welfare Association (FPWA) pledging to stand for the welfare of the Valley’s soccer players and for the development of the football.
Valley’s soccer star, Mehraj-ud-din Wadoo, who is the brainchild of setting up the association, was chosen as the president of the association.

Besides Wadoo as president, the association has chosen Kashmir University football coach Sajid Dar as Vice-president, former international footballer Zahoor Haroon as general secretary, NIS coach Hilal Parray as joint secretary senior footballer Bilal Wadera as Treasurer and Umar Hayat as chief spokesman.
Wadoo said that the players association was necessary for the betterment of the football.
“I have been to several countries where players association has helped the game to improve. This was my idea few years before to establish the players association in the State so that the standard of the football improves here,” said Wadoo.
Wadoo pledged the association will stand in support of the players who may face injustice in any form.
“The players associations in European countries are strong which has left no room for injustice to players. We will try to develop the association into a strong force so that no justice is meted out to the players. A player will be supported always for his betterment,” hoped Wadoo.
The soccer star dispelled the misconception that the association has been set up against the Jammu and Kashmir Football Association.
“There are rumors that the launch of this association will be anti-state football association. The rumors are baseless and we will work in coordination with the football association also whenever they need our help,” clarified Wadoo.
When asked to elaborate injustice meted out to players Wadoo said the soccer players in the last edition of Santosh Trophy are the live example before us who faced injustice.
“The State’s soccer players in the last years Santosh Trophy were the real talent in the Valley but unfortunately they have been dropped this year. The team sent for the biggest football tournament of the country recently is just there for participation. Such inexperienced team can’t be sent for high profile competitions,” said Wadoo.
Vice-president FPWA and University Football coach, Sajid Dar, said the idea to form the association was welcomed by the soccer players for the betterment of this game. “The association is very much needed in the State to let the football grow,” said Dar.
Dar said that State’s talent will be given platform to excel.
“We have the talented players but they lack proper guidance. We will give the talented players proper platform to so that they will also find a suitable niche for themselves in the world of football,” said Dar.
The association also announced that they will kick start their activities with the exhibition match. It will be a fun match in which state’s celebrities will play.

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